The Sequences API provides a simple interface to read Sequences. This automation is available only if you have bought our Reach product. Administrator can manage (add, update and delete) sequences directly in web settings under Sequences section.

Sequence is a set of steps and timeliness of their execution. Each Step can be either an automated_email or a task and can be defined to be executed after previous step in X weekdays or hours. Think of it as a template that is later used to start the Sequence for a particular lead or contact (see: Sequence Enrollments section for more details).

SequenceStep properties

NameTypeRead onlyDescription
idnumbertrueUnique identifier of step.
positionnumbertrueZero-based step’s position in sequence.
delay_from_previous_stepnumberfalseTime that should pass in between execution of this and previous step
delay_from_previous_step_unitstringfalseUnit of the time that should pass in between execution of this and previous step. Possible values: hours, weekdays - days between Monday and Friday
action_propertiesobjectfalseObject containing attributes from sequence that configure this step. Properites for automated email: email_template_id - id of a email template that will be send in this step, is_reply - boolean (true, false) - whether email should be sent as a reply or as a new thread. Properties for task: task_content - content of task that will be created for this step.

JSON format

NameTypeRead onlyDescription
idnumbertrueUnique identifier of the sequence.
creator_idnumbertrueUnique identifier of the user who created the sequence.
namestringfalseName of the sequence.
steps_totalnumbertrueTotal number of steps in the sequence .
stepsarrayfalseArray of steps that this sequence consists of. Attributes of steps are explained in the table above.
unsubscribe_settingsobjecttrueUnsubscribe settings that indicate if emails will contain unsubscribe links. Example: { "enabled": true, "locale": "en-US" }
created_atstringtrueDate and time of when the sequence was created in UTC (ISO8601 format).
updated_atstringtrueDate and time of the last update in UTC (ISO8601 format).

Retrieve all Sequences

GET /v2/sequences

Returns all sequences available to the user according to the parameters provided.

pagenumberQueryfalsePage number to start from. Page numbering starts at 1, and omitting the page parameter will return the first page. e.g. ?page=2
per_pagenumberQueryfalseNumber of records to return per page. Default limit is 25 and the maximum number that can be returned is 100. e.g. ?per_page=20
idsnumberQueryfalseComma-separated list of IDs to be returned in request. e.g. ?ids=1,2,3
namenumberQueryfalseSequence’s name substring. All matching sequence will be returned. e.g. ?name=1

Allowed for

  • Agents

Using cURL

curl -v -X GET \-H "Accept: application/json" \-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8Content-Language: en
{  "items": [    {      "data": {        "id": 3,        "name": "Warm approach after webinar",        "steps_total": 2,        "creator_id": 1,        "updated_at": "2020-06-22T12:41:45Z",        "created_at": "2020-06-22T12:41:45Z",        "steps": {          "items": [            {              "data": {                "id": 3,                "action_type": "automated_email",                "delay_from_previous_step": 0,                "delay_from_previous_step_unit": "weekdays",                "position": 0,                "action_properties": {                  "email_template_id": 7,                  "is_reply": false                }              },              "meta": {                "type": "step"              }            },            {              "data": {                "id": 5,                "action_type": "task",                "delay_from_previous_step": 6,                "delay_from_previous_step_unit": "hours",                "position": 1,                "action_properties": {                  "task_content": "Call mobile"                }              },              "meta": {                "type": "step"              }            }          ],          "meta": {            "type": "collection",            "count": 2          }        },        "unsubscribe_settings": {          "enabled": true,          "locale": "en-US"        }      },      "meta": {        "type": "sequence"      }    }  ],  "meta": {    "type": "collection",    "count": 1,    "links": {      "self": ""    }  }}