Search API Quick Start

In order to consume Sell Search API a valid token is required. For information on obtaining this token from your account, go to our Authentication Section.

Note that the account used to generate the token must have the right plan enabled. Consult our pricing page for information on which plans support Search API access.


Requests in Search API are executed in context of particular user (recognized by the token) and his/her permissions. So Search API responses will only contain subsets of all account data, that the token owner has access to.


There are 11 endpoints within Search API:

EndpointActionRequest payloadResponse payloadDescription
/v3/deals/schemaGET-YAMLYaml schema of deals (attributes, types, sort and filter properties)
/v3/leads/schemaGET-YAMLYaml schema of leads (attributes, types, sort and filter properties)
/v3/contacts/schemaGET-YAMLYaml schema of contacts (attributes, types, sort and filter properties)
/v3/graphql/schemaGET-graphqlsGraphQL schema of GraphQL Search API (currently only supports companies query)
/v3/search-schemaGET-JSONJSON schema of Search API request
/v3/deals/searchPOSTJSON with Query language requestJSON response of the api (see response format)Search endpoint for deals
/v3/leads/searchPOSTJSON with Query language requestJSON response of the api (see response format)Search endpoint for leads
/v3/contacts/searchPOSTJSON with Query language requestJSON response of the api (see response format)Search endpoint for contacts
/v3/notes/searchPOSTJSON with Query language requestJSON response of the api (see response format)Search endpoint for notes
/v3/tasks/searchPOSTJSON with Query language requestJSON response of the api (see response format)Search endpoint for tasks
/v3/graphqlPOSTgraphql requestJSON as per GraphQL specificationGraphQL API endpoint for querying companies data (with company hierarchy information)

Additionally, there's GraphiQL viewer available (requires logging to your Sell account):

Sending requests

After you've obtained valid API token, you can start sending HTTP requests, e.g. via cURL, software like Postman or programatically:

Accessing Search API

curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"items":[{"data":{}}]}'